Music education has been proven to not only help develop brain areas involved in language and reasoning, but also develop character, teamwork skills, discipline, creativity, academics, and self-expression.
Here are some links that discuss and validate this:

Why Music Education? (Berklee President, Roger Brown)

Twelve Benefits of Music Education
1. Early musical training helps develop brain areas involved in language and reasoning.
2. There is also a causal link between music and spatial Intelligence.
3. Students of the arts learn to think creatively and to solve.
4. Recent studies show that students who study the arts are more successful on standardized tests.
5. A study of the arts provides children with an internal glimpse of other cultures and teaches them to be empathetic towards the people of these cultures.
6. Students of music learn craftsmanship as they study how details are put together painstakingly and what constitutes good, as opposed to mediocre, work.
7. In music, a mistake is a mistake; the instrument is in tune or not, the notes are well played or not, the entrance is made or not. It is only by much hard work that a successful performance is possible.
8. Music study enhances teamwork skills and discipline.
9. Music provides children with a means of self-expression.
10. Music study develops skills that are necessary in the workplace. It focuses on “doing,” as opposed to observing, and teaches students how to perform, literally, anywhere in
11. Music performance teaches young people to conquer fear and to take risks. A little anxiety is a good thing, and something that will occur often in life.
12. An arts education exposes children to the incomparable. Twelve Benefits of Music Education
Music Advocacy Articles and Videos link: